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[EKO]≡ [PDF] Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more! edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts Photography eBooks

Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more! edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts Photography eBooks

Download As PDF : Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more! edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts Photography eBooks

Download PDF Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more!  edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts  Photography eBooks

In eleven information and illustration packed chapters you will learn chapter by chapter
Chapter 1 You will learn about the various types of lighting equipment, and its use. Light modifiers such as soft boxes, umbrellas, reflectors, scrims, flags and gobos are beyond the scope of the book and will not be covered.
Chapter 2 You will learn about the portrait lens, lens distortion, and the effects of using various focal length lenses. You will also learn what the ideal focal length lens is for classic portraits. In concluding chapter 2, you will learn about camera positioning and perspective distortion with relation to the camera position.
Chapter 3 Since the book is about portrait lighting, you will learn about the dynamics and characteristics of light and the part light color and temperature play in portraiture.
Chapter 4 You will get into the nitty-gritty of portrait lighting by learning about the quality of light, contrast, intensity and controlling light fall off and end the chapter with a solid understanding of the inverse square law.
Chapter 5 Before you can make an exposure you need to measure the light so you are going to learn about the various kinds of light meters, and how to take light meter readings.
Chapter 6 I will expand on the different metering modes including, incident, flash incident, flash reflected, continuous reflected, and reflected spot metering
Chapter 7 Now that you know how to measure the light you will learn how to express the physical position of a light and what the various lights are that you will use in portraiture such as the key, fill, hair, background and accent or kicker lights.
Chapter 7 You will delve deeper into light, and learn about the kinds of light whether it is flat, broad, short, ghoul or silhouette with illustrated examples and diagrams.
Chapter 8 With examples, you will learn the basic kinds of lighting including; flat, broad, short, silhouette and ghoul lighting.
Chapter 9 With knowledge of the basic kinds of lighting, you will now learn the basic lighting styles including front light, open loop, closed loop, split, butterfly, Rembrandt Shilouette and clamshell and how to set them up and see one light examples of each.
Chapter 10 You will move beyond one light and learn about multiple lights and about lighting ratios and the relationships of one light to another as well as how to express multiple light ratios in a standardized format. In addition, you will learn why ratios are important and how to create a receipt book of lighting set ups as well as some tips and tricks.
Chapter 11 Using your knowledge and understanding of multiple light nomenclature and lighting ratios you will exercise your knowledge and learn modified lighting styles and various lighting setups including low key, high key, One light, two light, three lights, four lights, and five or six light setups.

Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more! edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts Photography eBooks

not well edited and it only covers placement but covers it thoroughly

Product details

  • File Size 3300 KB
  • Print Length 174 pages
  • Publisher Richard Rynkowski (August 22, 2014)
  • Publication Date August 22, 2014
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00MZ78R06

Read Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more!  edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts  Photography eBooks

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Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more! edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts Photography eBooks Reviews

not well edited and it only covers placement but covers it thoroughly
Ebook PDF Portrait Lighting Made Easy Everything you need to know about portrait lighting and more!  edition by Richard Rynkowski Arts  Photography eBooks

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